What is an Overwintering Bug

What is an Overwintering Bug?

Overwintering bugs are bugs that are able to survive cold temperatures all winter long. Bugs find a warm place to shelter in during the winter, including the option of your home. Other options for bug to spend winter in include structures, soil, leaves and mulch.

In many cases, a home is the most common area overwintering bugs will spend their time. Rarely do these bugs venture out to visibility. The bugs start to make themselves known during the spring most of the time when temperatures are warmer. It is important to remember that often, these bugs that appear in spring have actually been there all winter long.

There are many types of insects that are able to survive the cold airs of winter. These include ladybugs, box elders, stink bugs, yellow jackets, hornets, caterpillars, crickets, moths, flies and mosquitoes. Many of the visibility of these bugs will depend on where you live.

Can Pests/Bugs Hide in Trees?

Trees and tree holes are common places for adult bugs especially to spend their winters. One example of bug that spends its winter in a tree hole is the Mourning Cloak Butterfly. During the winter, this butterfly hibernates within the tree holes.

Many insects actually utilize the wood of trees to survive winter in. They can utilize the wood as both nourishment and shelter throughout the season. Honeybees actually survive through utilizing hollow trees as shelter during the winter. They produce heat energy by producing honey while utilizing energy in order to keep them warm.

How Do You Get Rid of Tree Boring Bugs?

Bugs that hide out in trees can cause tremendous damage to the trees. They can bore and tunnel into the wood which can cause infestation to already weak trees. Keep your trees healthy and inspect for damage by bugs. If damage has occurred, there are a number of ways to get rid of these bugs.

Insecticides that contain ingredients like chlorpyrifos, lindane, or endusulfan will kill the tree boring insects. The insecticide can be sprayed over the entire tree, including the branches. The chemicals will kill any bugs that are on the bark surface. It is important to note, however, those bugs that are in the tunnels will not be reached.

Now That I Got Rid of Overwintering Bugs, How Do I Prevent Them in the Future?

Keeping overwintering bugs away can be very difficult. These bugs know where to hide and lie dormant throughout the winter. Be sure to understand where the bugs are in order to keep them away from their hiding spots.

If there are any cracks in your exterior walls or foundation, ensure they are filled. Ensure all window screens are in securely and cap your chimneys. Seal holes for cables and wires around the outside of your home, and put weather stripping on all windows and doors. Repair any broken shingles or spacing issues in the roof and cover the ends of gutters and vents with mesh. Following these essential steps will help you in preventing overwintering bugs in your home in the future.

Is There a Way I Can Get Rid of Tree Bugs Naturally?

There are a few ways to get rid of tree boring bugs naturally. These remedies are healthier for your trees and your land. They also do not do further damage.

The first option is to sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth on areas that bugs are gathered on the tree. This can include tree holes or visible tunnels. To bugs, this powder is like sandpaper on their exoskeletons. The bugs will become dehydrated which will eventually kill them.

Another option is to spray the area with a mixture of water and dish soap. The mixture suffocates any bugs by blocking where the bug breathes in oxygen. This compound will not harm your tree in any way.

If you have an extension cord, you can utilize a Shop Vac. This machine will suck the bugs in. To kill them quickly, you can put the mixture mentioned above on the bottom of the Shop Vac. This will suffocate the bugs once they are sucked up. If these methods do not work, it may be time to seek help from professional arborists.

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